Customizing Your Composer Banner

   It is easy to change the preference settings to customize your Netscape Composer. To open the Preferences menu, click the Edit menu and select Preferences. This will open the Preferences menu. To view the Composer settings, select "Composer" in the Category pane (left). as seen below. Composer has two Preferences windows, the Composer General Preferences window and the Publish Preferences window.

Composer General Preferences window

In the Composer General Preferences window, you can set general preferences for authoring Web pages.
Composer General Preferences Window<--Composer General Preferences Window


Publish Preferences Window

To view the Publish settings, select "Publish" in the Category pane (left). In the Publish Preferences window, you can designate the default publishing location and other uploading preferences. It is recommended that you leave the default settings as is.
Composer Publish Preferences Window<--Publish Preferences Window
Type in the Default publishing location in the Publish to (FTP or HTTP) field. You should be able to obtain this information from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). For a refresher on uploading Web pages, reread Uploading (Publishing) Web Pages.


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