File Transfers Banner

   While you are chatting with a buddy using AOL Instant Messenger™ (AIM), you can also send and receive files using its File Transfer feature. By transferring files, you are sending computer files (documents) such as images, word-processed files, video clips, or audio clips, from your computer to another. Although this feature is indeed useful and fun, you should take caution whenever you exchange files with other computers. Make sure that you have an updated antivirus software installed on your computer and that it is constantly working to protect your machine from the threat of computer virii before accepting files. Virii are usually transferred from an infected computer to another via an infected diskette or by downloading. Please visit Symantec's United States Homepage to learn more about antivirus protection for your computer.

Tranferring a File

When you want to send a file, you need to notify your buddy that you are sending it. Your buddy can accept or deny your file transfer request. To send a file, click the People menu, then click Send File.... You will see a Send... dialog box.
Send Dialog Box<--Send... Dialog Box
Type in your buddy's screen name, then click OK, or press "RETURN" or "ENTER". Select the file that you want to send to your buddy from the menu, and click Send. Once you've chosen the file, the service displays a message, indicating that it is waiting for your buddy to accept your file transfer. To stop the file transfer process, just click Cancel.


Transferring a Folder

The procedures for sending a folder and its contents to a buddy is very similar to sending a file. You first need to notify your buddy that you are sending it. To send a folder, click the People menu, then click Send Folder.... You will see a Send... dialog box as seen above. Type in your buddy's screen name, then click OK, or press "RETURN" or "ENTER". Select the folder that you want to send to your buddy from the menu, and click Send. Once you've chosen the folder, the service displays a message, indicating that it is waiting for your buddy to accept your transfer. To stop the transfer process, click Cancel.

TIP: You can also send a file or folder by dragging and dropping it onto your buddy's screen name in Buddy List window (Online tab).


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