Customizing Banner

Appearance Preferences

With Netscape Navigator, you can easily customize your browser to better suit your surfing habits. To open the Preferences menu, click the Edit menu and select Preferences. This will open the Preferences menu as seen below.
Appearance Preferences
Once here, you can click on one of the checkboxes () to select which Communicator component you would like to launch on startup. The default setting is Navigator, which opens your pre-selected home page. You can change this so that you can check your e-mail first whenever you startup Communicator by unselecting the Navigator checkbox and clicking on the checkbox for Messenger.
You can also customize the look of your Communicator Toolbars. By clicking on one of the radio buttons (), you can select to show the toolbars as 1) Pictures and Text, 2) Pictures Only, or 3) Text Only. Most experienced Internet users choose Text Only so that more of the Web page can be displayed.
While in the Appearance Category, you can also change the types of fonts and varieties of colors for plain text and hyperlinks displayed on your browser. Simply click on one of the choices to select it. Now you can modify the fonts or colors to your liking.
Remember to click the "OK" button after you've made changes!

Navigator Preferences

While you're in the Preferences menu, you can also edit your Navigator Preferences. To view the Navigator Preferences, select "Navigator" in the Category pane (left). Your menu should look like the image below.
Navigator Preferences
You can choose how Navigator starts with with these options. By clicking on one of the radio buttons (), you can elect to start Navigator with 1) a Blank Page, 2) the Home Page, or 3) the Last Page Visited.
Clicking the Home button or starting Navigator from the Component Bar will take you to the Home page. By default, it is Netscape's home page. However, you can change the Home page location. Simply type in the Web address or URL of the site you want to make your home page in the Home page location box provided. Why not make webLearner your home page? Just type in: The next time you launch Navigator, you'll be greeted by webLearner!

Remember to click the "OK" button after you've made changes!

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