In order to create Web pages for the Internet, a Web page editor, such as Netscape's Composer, can be a valuable tool. Composer is the component of Netscape Communicator that can be used for creating, editing, and uploading (publishing) your Web pages to the Internet. Composer can help save you time by quickly and easily setting up a Web page using an editing environment which might look as familiar to you as your word processor.

Usually, when you start Netscape Communicator, Navigator, the Web browser, is the component that opens. You can easily change how your Communicator starts by modifying the Communicator Startup Options. To start Composer once you have started Communicator:

1. Click the Communicator menu, then click Composer. ~~OR~~
Composer Go Menu
2. Click the Composer icon on the Component Bar. ~~OR~~
Component Bar   Composer Button
3. Type "APPLE"+"3" on your keyboard.

When Composer opens, you'll see a blank Composer editing window like the one below.

Composer Window

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