Inserting Images Banner

   Images can help add life and some color to your Web pages. The best Web pages are ones that contain one or two small pictures having to do with the content of the page on each page. Although graphics can help liven up a Web page, having too many can dramatically increase the time that it takes for viewers to download your page. Visitors can easily get impatient with your slow-loading page and jump to another Website altogether! With Composer, adding images is made easier! To insert an image, follow these five quick steps:

I. Adding an Image

1. To add an image to your Web page, click the Insert Image button Insert Image Button on the Composer toolbar. This opens an Image Properties dialog box as seen below.
Image Properties Dialog Box<--Image Properties Dialog Box
2. Click the Choose File... button. A window will open and prompt you to locate the graphic file (usually with a GIF [Graphics Interchange Format]or JPG [Joint Photographic Experts Group] extension), then click the Open button. If you want the image you've selected to be the page background, check the Page Background checkbox .


II. Adding Alternative Text (optional)

Although optional, it is useful to include alternative text in Web pages. Alternative text (ALT) is used to describe to viewers what the image is. It also lets visitors know what the image is while it is slowly downloading! Sometimes, Web surfers using slower connections might disable the loading of images on their Web browsers to speeden the downloading of Web pages. In this case, having alternative text can be very useful in letting people know what your image is. To insert alternative text, locate the Alternative Representations: Text field. Type in a word or words to describe your image (i.e. America Flag).


III. Specifying the Dimensions of your Image

You can leave your image at the original size or define the dimensions of your image. To customize the height and width of the image, click the Custom Size radio button and type in the desired height and width in the respective field boxes. You can modify the dimensions in pixels or by percentage of the browser window.


IV. Aligning an Image on a Page

To specify how your image should align on your Web page, click the Image Alignment button Image Alignment Button. This opens a Image Alignment menu as seen below.
Image Alignment Menu Simply click on an alignment option to align your image with the text.


V. Defining Space around Image and Adding an Image Border

Adding space around an image will prevent your images and text from appearing too cluttered. To add horizontal space between your image and text, locate the Left and Right Spacing Around Image field and type in a value (i.e. 1-10). To add vertical space between your image and text, locate the Top and Bottom Spacing Around Image field and type in a value (i.e. 1-10).
To create a image border, find the Solid Border field and type in a value (i.e. 1-10).

Click OK when you are done to insert your image!


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