Like any good e-mail client, Netscape Messenger includes an address book for storing all your e-mail addresses for easy access. When you enter peoples' names and e-mail addresses in your address book, you won't need to worry about losing their e-mail addresses or having to type them out when you send them messages. The next time you compose an e-mail to people, you can simply specify the recipient using the address book.

Making a new entry

To make a new entry into the address book, click the Communicator menu, then click Address Book. You can also type "OPTION"+"APPLE"+"2". This opens the Address Book window as seen below.
Address Book Window
Click the New Card button New Card Button on the toolbar. Input the person's first and last names, e-mail address, and a "nickname", then click OK.  When you type a person's "nickname" in the To: box of a new message, Messenger will recognize it, and the corresponding e-mail address will be displayed when you press the "TAB" key on your keyboard to move to the Subject box.   


Editing an entry

To make changes to an existing entry, click the Communicator menu, then click Address Book ("OPTION"+"APPLE"+"2"). Click once to highlight the entry you wish to edit, then click the Get Info button Get Info Button on the toolbar. A Card window will pop up allowing you to make changes. Click OK when you are done making changes.   



Deleting an entry

To remove an existing entry, click the Communicator menu, then click Address Book ("OPTION"+"APPLE"+"2"). Click once to highlight the entry you wish to delete, then click the Delete button Delete Button on the toolbar, or type the "DELETE" key.   


Sending a new message

To send a new message from the Address Book window, click the Communicator menu, then click Address Book ("OPTION"+"APPLE"+"2"). Next, click once to highlight the name of the person you wish to send an e-mail to, then click the New Msg button New Msg Button on the toolbar. A Message Composition window will appear with the person's name and e-mail address already in the To: box. Finally, compose your e-mail as you normally would.   


Making a mailing list of entries

Sometimes, you might want to send the same e-mail to many people in a group. To do this, you'll need to create a list of entries. In order to make a list of entries, you must already have entries in your address book.
To make a new list of entries, click the Communicator menu, then click Address Book ("OPTION"+"APPLE"+"2"). Click the New List button New List Button on the toolbar. When the List window pops up, type a name, a nickname, and a description for your list, then drag entries from the Address Book window into this list. Click OK when you are finished.   


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