Inserting Horizontal Lines Banner

   While inputing the contents of your Web page using Netscape Composer, you might want to insert a horizontal line (or horizontal rule) to separate or divide the contents of your Web page.

Inserting a Horizontal Line

To insert a horizontal line in Composer, simply place your blinking cursor where you want the line to appear, then click the Insert horizontal line button Insert Horizontal Line Button on the Formatting toolbar. Doing so should create a line as seen below.  


Deleting a Horizontal Line

To delete the horizontal line that you've just created, simply click your cursor Cursor on the line and press the "DELETE" key on your keyboard.


Changing the Size of the Horizontal Line

Once you've inserted a horizontal line, you can specify the exact height, width, and alignment of the line. To do this, double-click your cursor Cursor on the line. A Horizontal Line Info dialog box will appear. As you can see, the default settings for a line is 2 pixels by 100 % of the browser window. Typing in different values in the Height and Width fields will change the appearance of your horizontal line. You can also change the alignment of your line by clicking the appropriate Alignment radio buttons . The default is Center alignment.  
Horizontal Line Info Dialog Box

Click OK after you've entered the specifications for the line!


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