Adding Multimedia Banner

   Multimedia can be added onto a Web page in one of two ways: as external or inline media. With external media, the sound or video clip is accessed through a hyperlink, or link. Inline media files are placed into the Web page itself as embedded objects (like images). With an external media clip, users can choose whether or not to retrieve the file. Helper applications help the Web browser to interpret and present the file. An embedded inline media file can be played within the Web page itself. Embedded inline media is usually handled by plug-ins which comes with your Web browser.

   In order to add multimedia to a Web page, you'll need to add some HTML tags to the HTML source. To view and edit the HTML source of a Web page, in Netscape Composer, click the
Tools menu, then click HTML Tools-->Edit HTML Source.... In Adobe PageMill, click the View menu, then click Source Mode. Now you are ready to edit the HTML source to add sound or video clips to your Web page.

Linking to a Sound File

To link to a sound file in your directory, add the following syntax to your Web page's source mode.
<A HREF="songname.ext">Description of sound file (size - format)</A>
Example of Linking to a Sound File Result
<A HREF="1812.mid">1812 Overture (18K - MIDI format)</A> 1812 Overture (18K - MIDI format)


Embedding a Sound File

To embed a sound file in your directory, add the following syntax to your Web page's source mode.

URL is the name of the sound file. The WIDTH and HEIGHT properties define the size of the embedded object on your Web page. AUTOSTART tells the browser whether or not to automatically start the clip when the page loads. LOOP tells the browser to replay the file once it has finished playing.
Example of Embedding a Sound File Result
<EMBED SRC="1812.mid"


Linking to a Video File

To link to a video file in your directory, add the following syntax to your Web page's source mode.
<A HREF="videoname.ext">Description of video file (size - format)</A>
Example of Linking to a Sound File Result
<A HREF="">QuickTime Sample (71K - QuickTime format)</A> QuickTime Sample (71K - QuickTime format)


Embedding a Video File

To embed a video file in your directory, add the following syntax to your Web page's source mode.

URL is the name of the sound file. The WIDTH and HEIGHT properties define the size of the embedded object on your Web page. AUTOSTART tells the browser whether or not to automatically start the clip when the page loads. LOOP tells the browser to replay the file once it has finished playing.
Example of Embedding a Sound File Result


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