Uploading Web Pages Banner

   Now that you've made a Web page using Adobe PageMill, you are ready to upload, or publish, it to the Internet. When you upload Web pages, you are transferring copies of your Web pages to a large computer known as a server. Once on a server, your files can be accessed from anywhere in the world as long as someone has a computer and an Internet connection. PageMill can be used to upload your Web pages to the Internet. Uploading your Web pages you've composed on your hard drive to the Internet varies depending on your Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISPs, such as Earthlink, AOL, and Pacific Bell, usually provide you with a set amount of Web space for your personal home pages. How much Web space you're allotted depends on your ISP. Generally, 3 to 6 MB (megabytes) of Web space is the norm. There are also many free Web hosts out in the World Wide Web offering free unlimited Web space!

Key Information You Need Before Uploading your Web Pages

Now that you've used PageMill to make a Web page on your hard drive, the next step is to make sure you have all the details you need to upload your Web page to the Web host's server.
You'll need the following information:
You should be able to obtain all this information by contacting your Internet Service Provider.


Uploading a Web Page to your ISP

Be sure you have the key information mentioned above before you proceed to this step. To upload your Web page, open the page you want to upload. Uploading a page uploads that page along with any files associated with it, such as graphics. Click the File menu, then click Upload-->Page. If PageMill can't find any site settings for this file, it lets you create a new site for the upload.


Creating a New Site

To create a new site, click the File menu, then click New-->New Site.... A New Site dialog box will open.
New Site Dialog Box<--New Site Dialog Box
Enter the name of your Website, then click the Settings... button. An Add Site Settings dialog box will appear.
Add Site Settings Dialog Box<--Add Site Settings Dialog Box
Again, you should be able to obtain all this information by contacting your Internet Service Provider. Click OK when you are finished specifying the upload settings.



Editing Site Settings

Once you've specified the site settings for a site, you don't have to redo them unless, for example, you need to make changes to the URL of the destination site. To edit the site settings for a site, click the Site menu, then click Show Settings.... Double-click on the name of your site to select and open the site settings for your site. Click the General icon and re-enter the information as stated above. Click OK when you are done editing the site settings.


Uploading an Entire Website

With PageMill, you can also upload entire Websites at once. To upload a Website after you've loaded it (click File menu and click Open-->Site Name), click the Site menu, then click Upload. To cancel the uploading process, simply press the Stop button on the progress bar that appears, or type "APPLE"+"."


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