Page Title and Page Properties Banner

   All Web pages should have a page title to allow visitors to know what they're viewing. With Adobe PageMill, it's easy to specify important page details such as the page title, color of hyperlinks, and background colors or images.

Page Title

To give your page a title, after you've started PageMill, click the Title field box Title Field Box, then enter the name of your Web page.


Color of Hyperlinks

To specify how you want hyperlinks, or links, to appear on your Web page, you'll need to first open the Inspector window (below). Click the Window menu, then click Show Inspector. Here, you can select the colors of body text, background color, normal link text, active (selected) link text, and visited (followed) link text by clicking on the corresponding pull-down menu buttons and selecting a color for each. To learn more about links, click here.  
Inspector Window<---Inspector Window


Background Colors

You can also select a page background color while the Inspector window is open. Click on the Background pull-down menu (as seen above) to choose a color to use as the background of your Web page. For best results, choose a light background color.  


Background Images

If you prefer to use an image (graphic file) as your page background rather than a solid color, click on the Image button Image Button while in the Inspector window (above). This should open another dialog box that will allow you to choose an image to use as your page background. Locate your image (usually with a GIF [Graphics Interchange Format]or JPG [Joint Photographic Experts Group] extension), then click the Insert button. Your selected image will cover your page and override the background color. Choosing a light image will enable visitors to easily read the text on your page. To learn more about images, click here.


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