Types of Multimedia Banner


   Although there are many types of multimedia files on the Internet, we will only concentrate on two: sound clips and video clips.

Sound Clips

Sound clips are computer files that are able to produce sound, such as special sound effects or music, when run on a Web browser. There are many sound file formats in use on the Web, including AU (.au extension), AIFF/AIFC (.aiff or .aif extension), WAVE (.wav extension), and MPEG (.mpg extension), MIDI (.mid extension), and more. Sound files are generally small in size and are typically used to enhance a Web page or as background music.


Video Clips

Video clips are computer files that are able to display a continuous stream of images when viewed on a Web browser. Video on the Internet usually appears in one of three formats: AVI (.avi extension), MPEG (.mpg or .mpeg extension), or QuickTime (.qt or .mov extension). Although video files can be exciting and can provide a lot of information, they can be very large and difficult to work with.
In order for any multimedia clip to work, your Web browser must support them, and it must have access to software called plug-ins. Plug-ins are applications that allow the browser to work with the media file. Many browsers come with the necessary plug-ins to handle multimedia files. However, sometimes, it might be necessary for a user to download additional software before being able to view multimedia Web pages. To learn more about plug-ins, please visit http://home.netscape.com/plugins/.


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